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2 participanți

    Tutorial instalare Psychostats - amx,amxx,adminmod - (linux)


    Mesaje : 227
    Reputatie : 0
    Data de inscriere : 17/01/2011
    Localizare : /gotics/Samp/GlobalNetworkTHEBEST

    Tutorial instalare Psychostats - amx,amxx,adminmod - (linux) Empty Tutorial instalare Psychostats - amx,amxx,adminmod - (linux)

    Mesaj  sTefaNNN Dum Ian 23, 2011 11:45 pm

    Tutorial instalare Psychostats - amx,amxx,adminmod - (linux)Pentru instalare Psychostats pe Linux

    Psychostats este un generator de statistici pentru diferite jocuri. In acest caz pentru un server Cstrike facut pe Linux.
    Psychostats aduna statisticile din logurile serverului care apoi le stocheaza intr-o baza de date Mysql.
    Deci in primu' rand pentru a instala Psychostats este nevoie de o baza de date Mysql.
    Bun....deci sa incepem cu instalarea...

    Download Psychostats (692.15 KB)
    wget ... .7b.tar.gz
    tar xfvz psychostats3.0.7b.tar.gz
    Ok..acum mergem in directoru dezarhivat
    cd psychostats2.3.3/psychostats2.3.3/
    Si.....incepem instalareaaaaaa
    chmod +x
    Acum trebuie sa facem setarile de baza:

    Web server host: localhost []

    Do you want to change your settings? [y,N]: N
    >>> STEP: Verifying required perl modules ...
    Searching for required perl modules ...
    x = module installed
    [x] DBI v1.48
    [x] DBD::mysql v3.0002
    [x] Data::Dumper v2.121_04
    All required perl modules are installed! Congratulations!

    Press enter to continue with next step
    [quote]DB Username []: (user care are acces la baza de date mysql)
    DB Username []:nino
    DB Password []:(parola userului)
    DB Hostname [localhost]:localhost
    DB Name []:(numele bazei de date)
    DB Table prefix [pstats_]: (dati Enter)
    DB Compression [0]: (dati Enter)
    If a table already exists with the same name in the 'pstats' database should
    it be deleted and replaced with a new empty table? (any data in the original
    table will be lost). Player and Clan profiles will not be deleted unless you
    specified the -profiles [player,clan] command line option.
    Delete existing tables first? [y,N]: y
    Press enter to continue with next step
    Current log sources (enter a blank line to stop).
    An asterix '*' in front of the directory means the directory does not exist!
    LOGSOURCE 1: (aici puneti calea directorului cu loguri)
    LOGSOURCE 1:/cs/hlds/cstrike/logs/
    MODTYPE []:cstrike
    UNIQUEID []:name
    DECAY.SKILL [0%]: (dati Enter)
    DECAY.MINSKILL [1000]: (dati Enter)
    SERVERNAME []: (puneti un nume gen "Powered by .." sau ce o fi)
    SERVERNAME []:Powered by eScape
    SERVERIP []: (IP serverului urmat de port..NU BAGATI DNS-uri ca nu le citeste!!!)
    SERVERIP []:89.39.**.***:27015
    [quote]Very Important: You must provide a valid directory that the website files for
    PsychoStats will be copied or uploaded to. This directory should be within
    your web server directory tree.
    'statsroot' specifies the directory where your PsychoStats website files will
    be located.
    THEME.STATSROOT []: (directorul in care vor sta toate fisierele Psychostats.. verficati setarile din Apache...sau ce web server aveti!)
    THEME.STATSROOT []:/var/www/htdocs/stats/
    [quote]'statsurl' is an absolute URL pointing to the location of your stats on your
    website. You do NOT put in front of this option. This will
    usually resemble the statsroot option you entered above player w/o the phyiscal
    directory path in front of it. Often only leaving the last directory name.
    Example: If statsroot = '/var/www/stats/', then statsurl would be '/stats/'.
    THEME.STATSURL [/stats/]: (pp ca ati inteles ce trebuie sa faceti aici)
    THEME.STATSURL [/stats/]:/stats/
    Available themes: psweb
    Choose your theme [psweb]:psweb
    De aici incepe instalarea de fisiere Psychostats....
    Cam astea ar fi setarile..

    Acum sa "umplem" baza de date cu statisticile jucatorilor de pe server..

    chmod +x
    Aici s-ar putea sa fie o mica problema...un bug de la anume o sa inceapa sa va apara multe errori de genu : Table 'psstats.pstats_plr_profile' doesn't exist

    ./ -resetdb -profiles

    iar cand va intreaba daca vreti sa stergeti tabelele din baza de date dati " Y"

    acum rulati din nou ./
    si nu o sa va mai apara eroare...

    Hai sa facem si un
    chmod +x
    chmod +x
    ./ <identity> [accesslevel]
    ./ spitfir33 10
    next punem si o parola pe acest user
    ./ name -password password
    ./ spitfir33 -password sexxybalamuc
    am pus si parola.... gata...puteti sa va logati pe site;) si sa administrati tabelele cat si baza de date
    Wannabe Don
    Wannabe Don

    Mesaje : 221
    Reputatie : 0
    Data de inscriere : 19/01/2011

    Tutorial instalare Psychostats - amx,amxx,adminmod - (linux) Empty Re: Tutorial instalare Psychostats - amx,amxx,adminmod - (linux)

    Mesaj  NarTiQuaN Lun Ian 24, 2011 5:09 am

    wowwwwww bravo

      Data/ora curentă este: Sam Sept 28, 2024 1:39 pm